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Ryan & Teresa Petgen

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Member Care:  Walking alongside our missionaries as they experience the great, and the grind, of missionary life.
 It's our joy to walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ, whether young or old, to carry out Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another's burdens". God has called us to leverage our experience and training to help prepare our BMW family for their service to the Lord,  prevent crises by engaging in their world, and provide resources and encouragement as they navigate their unique paths.


Member Care:  Providing resources to our missionaries for their spiritual, relational, emotional, and mental health.
From educational assistance to debriefings to third-party counseling to web-based articles and videos, we seek to make available to our mission family the people and material they need to thrive in their context.  
MK Care: Walking alongside our mission's young people as they navigate the joys, challenges, and transitions of missionary life.
We seek to be attentive to the unique benefits of MK life and the additional challenges it brings.  We want them to know they have advocates in their missions family who are thinking of them specifically. Our greatest resource for the next generation of missionaries and vocational ministry personnel is our MKs.   
MK Care: Providing resources to help MKs stay connected to their Faith, Family, Feelings, and Friends.
 We work to promote an authentic relationship between the MK and Jesus as well as the relationship between the MK and their parents and siblings in the pressure cooker that can be ministry.  We believe providing an avenue and ear for them to express how they truly feel is also important.  Festering feelings are foundations for future failure and friction. And, we want to aid them in finding and reinforcing friendships with other MKs who "get them". 
Instructions for partnering with us in this essential ministry: 
First, enter the amount you wish to give in the space provided above. Then click on the blue give button. After you click on the button, you will be redirected to the "checkout" page, where you can choose whether you want to set up a recurring donation or a one-time donation either by using your credit card or bank (ACH). Below are some other specific directions you can send your giving toward. THANK YOU!