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Roger & Susan Peterson

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Our focus is on bâtir des Églises qui se multiplient - building churches that multiply themselves. French scholars say evangelicalism is likely the fastest-growing religion in France – defying all stereotypes about Europe’s most secular nation. The reasons are manifold: 1) Growing minority populations in France from Africa and Asia are less strictly secular and more religious; 2) Evangelicals offer a “friendlier” and less hierarchical model of worship, with more community warmth and room for "emotive expression"; and 3) Evangelicals speak to the "heart" of people in a Europe preoccupied with wealth/worldliness and provide a haven in times of harsh economic setbacks.

Pray with us for The Yvelines Project. There are currently 12 new church plants underway in the western department of Yvelines. Please pray with us for the new missionary couples and national church-planters as they seek to build their support base in order to join our efforts alongside churches in the Yvelines area. 

In each church plant, we seek to establish the following.


  • selection of new leaders
  • training & equipping them well
  • providing well-structured support for their ministry

Church growth:

  • encouraging healthy church growth
  • leading to more mother churches planting daughter churches


  • promoting celebrations that are focused on God
  • accessible to non-believers


  • developing a culture of discipleship within every church
  • encouraging all believers to live out the gospel

Community involvement:

  • helping churches develop appropriate outreaches and services
  • so that God might be glorified

Our Vision Statement
Pray for France, an article published in The Voice, highlights Protestant history, martyrs, and leadership that precedes Martin Luther and the Great Reformation.