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Paul & Joan Seger

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Paul  served as the General Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide since 1994.  He grew up in Nigeria where his parents served as missionaries for many years.  After graduating from Appalachian Bible College and Faith Baptist Bible College, Paul served as assistant pastor at Community Baptist Church of Reidsville, North Carolina.  The Segers began their missionary service with Biblical Ministries Worldwide in 1975.


Paul’s wife, Joan, also grew up on the mission field as her parents served in Malawi and Zimbabwe.  Joan ministers to missionary ladies, missionary kids, and churches in the United States.  The Segers have two children, Ryan and Joanna, and presently live in Atlanta, Georgia.


Prior to their current ministry, Paul and Joan served as missionary church planters for 17 years in South Africa.  Their ministry focused upon the European population in that country.  Together the Segers formed a team to plant churches, disciple new believers, and train leadership for the churches they established.  They were involved in starting three churches and training pastors through the Church Ministries Institute.


For 27 years, Paul served as the Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide.  His role was to provide visionary leadership to the organization while helping the international workers succeed in their ministries. 


Paul presently serves as a Global Consultant for Biblical Ministries Worldwide.  The Segers are committed to the strengthening of American churches and assisting them toward greater mobilization and effective service on the mission fields of the world.