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Nick & Alicia Unger

Send a Note Start a Campaign

[Canadian donations click here]


"For the love of Christ compels us, since we have reached this conclusion, that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised." 2 Cor. 5:14-15 


Alicia & I came to London in October of 2013 to work at Southside Baptist Church with Andrew & Sarah Bunnell. For the next 5 years I served as assistant pastor with Alicia leading the children's ministry. During this time we gained invaluable experience not only in ministry, but we also had support from the Bunnell's with settling into the community & culture. While working at Southside, we were able to develop relationships with other local churches, which eventually led to an opportunity where a church in a neighboring community was looking for a pastor in the summer of 2017. With Southside's blessing and guidance, I became the pastor at Montpelier Church that August and eventually in April 2019 we moved closer to the church, making South Croydon & Purley our local community.

For the first few years at Montpelier we had the privilege to serve an older church congregation. During the Covid-19 lockdown period, many long-standing church members moved away as they reached retirement. The future of the church looked very uncertain, with our congregation and church finances dwindling. This was a time of seeking God, asking him for new life in our church, and praying about whether he would have us continue to serve at Montpelier. After holding online services for over a year on Zoom, our church doors opened again in the spring of 2021, and we saw new families come each week. These families have been added to the church, and make up our current Montpelier family.

We saw God give clear answers to our prayers that there was more he wanted to do in and through this little church. Since then, for the past two years we have been in a revitalizing phase. In 2022, we were able to establish a new core leadership team at the church which has been a huge encouragement to us in ministry. We have been so blessed by our church family’s commitment to see this work grow, be a light in our local community, and their willingness to use gifts God has given them to serve our church and community.


God has begun a new chapter at Montpelier Church. We are seeing him at work in people’s lives, drawing unbelievers to himself by opening their eyes to the truth, and sanctifying the hearts of believers through his Spirit. Montpelier Church has been so generous to us in providing a salary for Nick as well as helping us with our housing costs. However, as the church’s reserves have dwindled down through the decades, the hard truth is that it is no longer in a position where this is financially possible. While the church will continue to help us with housing costs, as of April 2023, Nick is no longer receiving a salary. This presents a challenge as the cost of living in London has significantly increased in the last year. We have been praying about various options, and at this crucial stage of foundational church growth, if at all possible, our prayer is for Nick to continue in ministry full-time rather than pursuing bi-vocational work. As such, we are looking to raise support for the next three years so we can continue serving here in London, as we seek to revitalize the church to a place of financial sustainability and spiritual fortitude once again. 


When we moved to the UK, we did so without raising support. Many circumstances have changed across the decade that we have served here, and we are now at a point where we need to raise support to continue the work. Will you consider partnering with us and become a part of the kingdom work God is doing here in London? Will you share our ministry with others you know that have a heart to see people come to know Jesus? We want to connect with churches and individuals who have compassion for those who don't know Christ and will commit to upholding our ministry & family in prayer.

The different ways you can financially support our ministry are detailed below. If you have any more questions, we would love to arrange a Zoom/FaceTime/Skype call to answer them and share more about our ministry and family.  

Please note: If you are Canadian and would like to financially support our ministry, there is a different process. Please see "Canadian donations click here" link in red at the heading of this profile. Thanks!

Online Giving

  1. Scroll up, type an amount, and click "Give"
  2. Fill out additional checkout, currency, payment, and billing information. If you want to be a monthly supporter, don't forget to tick the "recurring" boxes in either the checkout or currency sections.
  3. Click "Process Gift" 

Note: Using bank (ACH) details may be especially convenient as it does not incur the credit card transaction fees, and it also avoids future credit/debit card expirations.

Additional Online Giving Options

  1. Scroll to the bottom of this page and select one of the "Related Projects" you'd like to give toward
    • Note: These are special projects outside our normal monthly support. 
  1. Click "Start a Campaign" under our family photo on the upper part of this page
    • This is a great option if you'd like to raise funds on our behalf, or
    • To sponsor our ministry during a special event not covered in "Related Projects".

Mail-in Giving (Check/Money Order)

  1. Make check payable to: Biblical Ministries Worldwide
  2. Include a separate note specifying our names, or account #: 004327, as well as any specified projects (if applicable)
  3. Mail to:

Biblical Ministries Worldwide
1595 Herrington Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043


Pray for Purley/South Croydon

Pray for us...

    • for continued personal growth in our faith and leadership
    • for wisdom and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in how we can reach people with the Good News in a place like London
    • for continued insight to foster a church culture that values spiritual formation & growth that then produces more followers of Jesus

Pray that we will...

    • have continued strength & determination to make time for family in this ever-busy city
    • encourage, challenge and strengthen the people we serve
    • run our race in His strength and not our own (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

Pray for laborers...

Another way to partner with us is to come to London and join our ministry! Whether it's through a short-term missions trip, internships or even a survey trip - if you feel like God is leading you to come work for Him in London we'd love to hear from you. We realize not everyone is called to serve in this way, but everyone can pray with us that God would raise up laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2). Whether that's by God sending folks to us from abroad, or especially from within our own community & ministry - this revitalization effort must be bigger than the Ungers and we pray that God will continue to send and raise up more people who will go and make disciples.


If you'd like to join our email list, have a question about our ministry, or would just like to say "Hi!", click the "Send a Note" button under our family photo on the upper part of this page.

Nick is looking to start a monthly Zoom call for our supporters and if you'd like to be a part of that, please get in touch with him on his mobile +44 7715 968096 (WhatsApp, Messenger or Signal).


Our heartfelt thanks for taking time to read, pray, and partner with us. Ministry is a joint effort of God's people, and we are humbled and grateful to join the ministry teams of so many churches and saints to reach the nations with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. And may our God receive all the glory for it! 


The Ungers