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Declan Killeen

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Praise be to our great God, who has done all things according to his glory, which is also for us! Amen. In Him, we find our calling, and purpose for his purpose!

It is for the glory and purpose of The Triune Creator that I am called as a missionary to the German people. The Lord is sending me out to Germany for a month to proclaim the Gospel -- the only way to salvation and the reason we are purposed. 

I would only ask for prayer if that was all that I needed, but as a missionary, there is a need for funds in order to live overseas and share the gospel. I know if it is the Lord's will, He will provide. It is written, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Are you willing to support me first and foremost through prayer, and then if the Lord wills financially? 

I pray that the Lord Jesus blesses you and keeps you.