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Leif & Kathy Jensen

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Since November 2018 we have been working with Biblical Ministries Worldwide of Canada in Ottawa/Gatineau, Canada’s national capital region.  Our desire is to serve the Lord by plant new churches in French-Speaking Canada.  In doing so, we seek to reach previously unreachable immigrants from the 10-40 window and under-reached quebecers with the gospel and see them place their faith in Christ. 

Being raised in Christian homes where we heard and understood the gospel at a young age and later believed during our late teen years. From that point on, the Lord transformed our hearts and lives, giving us a love for Him, His Word, and reaching out to others with the saving message of the gospel! Before we were married, Kathy served for five years as a missionary in France (2003 – 2008), while Leif completed a Masters of Divinity at The Master’s Seminary (2012) and led or participated in several local and foreign mission trips.