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Dave & Joy Rozelle

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DAVE ROZELLE, Executive Vice President

Dave Rozelle was raised in a Christian home, where his parents were active in church planting.  He graduated from New Brunswick Bible Institute, in New Brunswick, Canada.  He and his wife went to Austria with Worldwide European Fellowship in 1975, learned German and then in 1977 were transferred to Luxembourg.  Dave pastored an English work while starting a Luxembourgish ministry there.  He became fluent in Luxembourgish and German while ministering there for 13 years.  In 1990, he was redirected to Scotland and served as the Field Leader there until 2002.  He continued studies on furloughs.  In 1985 he completed a BA in Missions from Washington Bible College, in Landover, Maryland, USA.  He studied at the extension program of Grace Theological Seminary located in Chateau de St. Albain, France where in 1986 he completed his MA in Missions from Grace Theological Seminary.   While serving in Scotland he was part of the team that established the Carrubbers Bible Institute.  He served on the board of the Institute and taught Theology Classes and Church History.  His real interest was in Church History.  While teaching Church History he worked to make the study of Church History relevant in class and in the writing assignments.  Typically, a writing assignment required the student to interact with the epoch which was under consideration and draw out the relevance to the current church and times in which we now live.

His first wife passed away early in 1999 and he later remarried.  His wife Joy had been married to his brother Eric and they served in Chile, SA.  Joy graduated from New Brunswick Bible Institute in 1974.  She and her husband Eric studied Spanish at Rio Grande Bible Institute in 1981.  After his brother Eric died from cancer in 1983, Joy returned to Chile and served there with her two children until 1995 when she returned to work in the head office of Biblical Ministries Worldwide.  They joined the two families in late 1999 and served in Scotland until they took a position with Gospel Mission of South America.  From August 2002 to January 2007 Dave served as the US Director of GMSA with workers in South America.  Upon return to Biblical Ministries Worldwide, Dave was appointed the Director of Advancement.  In January of 2009 he accepted the appointment as Director of Mobilization which is the culmination of many years of interest and effort in the recruiting and inspiration of new missionaries to the great task of worldwide missions.  Their motivation for missions is encapsulated in Dave’s motto: Enlisting and Enabling 21st Century Missionaries.

In the summer of 2014 Dave was additionally appointed as the Area Director for Latin America.  Dave and Joy currently oversee 34 missionaries in Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Honduras, and Mexico.

In the fall of 2019 Dave stepped down as Director of Mobilization and in the fall of 2021, they passed the position of Area Leader for Latin America over to Kevin and Trina Mayfield.  Dave was appointed Executive Vice President for BMW which opens numerous opportunities for service with the mission.  In addition, they have begun consulting with Rio Grande Bible Ministries as they form a ministry called RGBM Global to serve Latin Churches as they send missionaries.  This has brought an international impact to their ministry.

Since moving back to the USA and living in FL, GA and now ID, we have actively discipled young couples in every church that we have attended.  Many of them are now in full-time ministry, either in the United States or headed to ministry abroad.


We have actively taught Sunday School classes and home Bible Studies since returning to the USA in 2002.  Joy started a Ladies SS class at Grace Baptist church and lead it until our ministry travel made it too difficult to continue. They are currently active in their local church – Grace Bible Church of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.